Informatione legae
Legal notice
Legal notice, GTC and data protection
Responsible for the content of the website:
M+V Medien- und Verlagsservice Germany
Entrepreneurial company (limited liability)
Headquarters: 88161 Lindenberg im Allgäu
Commercial register: District court of Kempten, HRB 11104
Managing director: Michael Petersen
Ried 1e
88161 Lindenberg im Allgäu
Responsible according to § 10 section 3 MDStV:
Michael Petersen
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General terms and conditions
I. Foreword
mediportal-online is an online-editorial for health information.
II. General terms
1. Copyrights
Texts and pictures of this website are protected by copyright. They must not be reproduced, used for commercial purposes or otherwise be re-used. Any kind of use, particularly reproduction, also electronically, storage in database systems or on the internet always requires the prior approval of the operator of this website. Violations are punishable and are liable for damages.
2. Cease-and-desist clause
Should this website infringe the protective rights of third parties, or if you believe you may claim violation of competition law, we shall ask you for immediate notification by mail. The situation shall then be rectified immediately.
The involvement of a lawyer or other bodies that deal with the pursuit of such claims is not required. Because of the aforementioned commitment there is no cause for a legitimate interest in legal action. Should a written warning notice represented by lawyers be issued without any previous attempts for reconciliation, the associated costs shall be borne by you alone. In these cases we reserve the right to claim the costs for the defence.
3. Disclaimer for contents
The contents of this website, specifically the editorials, are written, reviewed and updated with great care. Despite all the due care taken errors may occur or data may change. Therefore no legal liability or guarantee as to the timeliness, correctness and completeness of the contents may be assumed. The same applies in particular for all other websites linked to with hyperlinks.
4. Disclaimer for links
By judgement from the12th of May 1998 the Hamburg regional court decreed that when a link is included, co-responsibility also exists for the contents of the linked pages. This may only be excluded when the operator of a website dissociates himself expressly from their contents. Therefore we expressly declare that we neither have an influence on the design nor the content of these linked pages.
Even though we have an interest in reputation, we expressively disassociate ourselves from the design and content of the linked pages and do not adopt their content as our own. This statement applies to all linked homepages.
5. Disclaimer for published press releases and guest contributions
We may publish press releases and guest contributions of other reporters on our pages/portals or parts thereof. The source/author of these publications is mentioned at the end of the text. The sole responsibility for these publications lies with the source/author. Each source/author is obliged to comply with the relevant legal provisions and releases mediportal-online/M+V Medien- and Verlagsservice Germany Unternehmergesellschaft (limited liability) from all liability. Those concerned may directly contact the source/author.
This does not change even if mediportal-online comments on publications. Of course mediaportal-online observes the legal provisions on her part in the comments.
6. Ask the doctor
This information cannot replace a visit to the doctor. Therefore never use our information as a sole basis for your decisions regarding health. Questions after a treatment and therapy can only be answered based on your individual situation. Self-medication can therefore not be recommended. Our information is aimed only at providing you with a better understanding of the correlations and to prepare you for a conversation with a therapist.
Our pages make no statements on healing, neither do we lay claim to scientific proof. We rather wish to point to the experiences of our ancestors and the experiences we have made ourselves in long years of observation. Everyone has to decide for himself whether they lean towards scientific proof or towards age-old experiences.
III. Rules for third-party authors
1. The publication of contributions by third-party authors are indicated as such by source specifications: Last name and first name of the author and, if appropriate, company name and website.
2. The editorial department reserves the right to publish, cancel or change the text of contributions.
3. Third-party authors themselves are responsible for their articles. Along with submitting the contributions they certify that third parties are not afflicted or appropriate permissions of third parties have been obtained.
4. By submitting their contributions third-party authors give the unlimited right in terms of time and space to publish the texts provided. They guarantee that the texts, with the exception of pure press releases, are unique (unique in order to avoid a duplicate content), i.e. were not and neither will be published on other websites.
5. Publications do not necessarily imply a remuneration obligation. Fees will only be paid after prior express agreement.
IV. Conditions for obtaining information products
1. The free hand out of information products from this website (free newsletter, free information brochures and free e-books) are a voluntary service of the operator of this website. There is no legal claim to the acquisition of this information. The operator reserves the right to discontinue the hand out of free information.
2. For the acquisition of information products subject to payment the following applies:
2.1. The purchase contract becomes effective once you have received the order confirmation from us. Insofar your statement shall constitute an offer for entry into a purchase contract.
2.2. Payment of the purchase price is carried out via the chosen payment system provider.
2.3. The delivery of the product takes place after confirmation of payment by the payment system provider.
2.4. It is explicitly referred to that electronically delivered products (downloadable documents) according to § 312 section 4 No. 1 BGB are excluded from the statutory right of withdrawal. This applies to products that are not suitable for return delivery.
3. If products from third-party suppliers are presented on this website, the purchase contract will only be concluded with the third party. Their terms and conditions shall apply. In that case you will be redirected via a link to the third-party supplier’s web site.
Please note our privacy policy.